Fearful Dogs Blog

Training Abused, Neglected & Traumatized Dogs

June 24th, 2022|Training|

People can use verbal language, in some form or another, to explain themselves. We can share the reasons for mistakes or transgressions we have made. Our excuses may be accepted or not. Even when they are, there may be a lingering bad taste left behind. During a volunteer stint at a dog rescue facility I ...

Medications, Training & A Reality Check

May 26th, 2022|Training|

It is possible to address behavior change in a dog without medication. There may be natural products that can support training that owners feel better about using. Perhaps the most natural way to change behavior is through good instruction. But here's the catch, it requires time, effort, and a level of technical understanding and mechanical ...

Good Trainers Are Visionaries

April 18th, 2022|Training|

A good trainer sees possibilities. They know what the final outcome looks like, sounds like, feels like. Good trainers recognize that choice is often a product of deprivation. The deprivation that increases motivation and the deprivation that excludes certain options as choices. Good trainers recognize that choice is often a product of deprivation. We recognize ...

Fear Periods

April 4th, 2022|Training|

It makes sense that people would ask me about fear periods in dogs. The most I feel comfortable saying (due to my limited understanding of physiological and neurological development) is that it is not uncommon for dogs at some time in their lives, to be more sensitive to learning to be afraid of things. A ...

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