Debbie’s Online Courses

Congratulations on your interest to up your understanding of learning and behavior, especially to support animals who may have a history of neglect, abuse, trauma or deprivation. These courses have been developed to provide you with a solid foundation based on the principles and practices of Applied Behavior Analysis. With this knowledge you will never be at a loss for how to get started with even the most challenging and confounding behaviors we face as trainers, foster caregivers, veterinarians, rescue or shelter staff.

This at-risk and exceedingly vulnerable population of animals including those in the rescue system, pulled from kill pens or auctions, survivors of mill breeding operations, hoarding, meat trade, etc., need trainers with the education and skills these courses are designed to develop. They need you! For 20 years Debbie has focused on how to train special needs populations of animals. She recognizes the importance of having more folks like you prepared to take on the task of training, rehabilitation and caregiver support. You are welcome and encouraged to join the ranks of trainers using evidence-based, effective, and humane practices to address problem behavior and skill deficits in any species or breed.

“Thank you, thank you, thank you! It was so great listening to you and I can’t wait to get started on muffins next journey! I will be applying all that to my goats and sheep too! I will definitely be in touch!! Again thank you and have a great weekend!”

Behavior is Lawful.

These words changed the world of dog training for me. 
Find out how these three simple words can change everything for you too.