This information defines our responsibility with respect to this trip. Please read it carefully. Payment of deposit represents an acceptance by the tour member of the terms and conditions.

Reservations: To  make your reservation for any trip, submit the application form with a deposit of $300.

Cancellation and refunds

-A fee of 25% of land costs is charged for cancellations received in writing within 90 days, but more than 60 days prior to departure date.

-A fee of 50% of land costs is charged for cancellations received in writing within 60 days but more than 45 days prior to departure date.

-A fee of 75% of land costs is charged for cancellations received in writing within 45 days but more than 14 days prior to departure date.

-Refunds for participants who cancel within 14 days of the departure date will be made at the sole discretion of the organizer.

Cancellation with Replacement

-Participants who cancel, but find a replacement participant will receive a full refund.

-No partial refunds are given for unused services.

The organizer, reserves the right to cancel any trip, in which case a full refund is given. The organizer, is not responsible for any additional expenses incurred by clients in preparation for the trip. Please do not purchase a non-refundable air ticket before confirmation that the trip will be departing as scheduled. 

Medical: While this trip is a not rigorous expedition, it can be physically demanding and we often travel to areas where medical establishments are not immediately available. The organizer assumes no liability regarding the provisions of medical care. Persons with medical problems, physical limitations and/or have special medication requirements or allergies must make them known to the organizer on the application or medical form. The trip leader has the right to disqualify any member from the group at any time if considered medically necessary, or to avoid endangering the group or if the participant is physically or emotionally unfit for the rigors of the trip. Refunds are not given under such circumstances.

Equipment: All major equipment needs are provided. Participants provide personal gear as needed. Participants will receive a  detailed equipment list specific to their trip.

Program Costs Do NOT Include: Excess baggage fees, passport, visas, laundry, phone calls and other items of a personal nature; medical, hospital and evacuation expenses; expenses resulting from delays due to bad weather, trail, river and road conditions, sickness, government action and flight delays.The organizer is not responsible for expenses incurred in recovering lost luggage, belongings left behind on a trip or in shipping purchases or other goods home from abroad.

Insurance: We recommend that all participants consider obtaining a short term traveler’s insurance policy covering baggage, accident/life and trip cancellation. Trip cancellation insurance may reimburse you for nonrefundable air and land costs should you have to cancel a trip. It also covers the cost of emergency evacuation from remote areas.

Debbie Jacobs
2458 River Road, Guilford, Vermont 05301

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