Fearful Dogs Blog

The Concept Dog Trainers Need to Know

July 19th, 2020|Aggression/Aggressive, Dog training, Helping fearful dogs, Training|

In May in Vermont I am presenting two seminars. Understanding fear-based behavior in dogs, is one I am most often invited to present at different venues. It hasn't changed much over the years and that should be attributed to the fact that nothing new about behavior, since I first created the presentation, has changed. The ...

Forget About Stress & Anxiety

September 4th, 2019|Dog training, Helping fearful dogs, Problem Behavior|

First off, sorry. The title was designed to get your attention. We cannot forget about stress and anxiety but rather than focus on those conditions we assume a dog is experiencing, let's get down to the business of behavior. It has been important that people have been encouraged to learn about behaviors that dogs perform ...

The Changing Role & Responsibility of Rescues & Shelters

March 29th, 2019|Dog training, Helping fearful dogs, Shelters and Rescues|

There may have been a time when schools only needed to be charged with teaching students reading, writing and arithmetic. But as society changes schools become responsible for instruction that either used to be provided at home, or represents a new field of study. When I was in high school we had a choice of ...

Stillness-The Choreography of Training Fearful Dogs

March 4th, 2019|Helping fearful dogs, Training|

When a professional athlete is about to perform a challenging move, an ice skater preparing for a triple jump, a tennis player about to return a volley, a swimmer turning off the wall, a race car driver taking a curve at high speed, each move has been rehearsed and practiced over and over again. Extra ...

Don’t Use Shock Collars For Sound Phobias

March 1st, 2019|Aversive Training, Behavior Modification, Dog training|

Years ago, before the rise in podcasts I was asked to be part of a radio show featuring 3 dogs trainers. The show was being recorded for broadcasting at a later date. As soon as it was over I told the host I did not want to be part of the program. Luckily for me ...

Yes Your Dog Probably Does Need Obedience Training

February 1st, 2019|Training|

There is a backlash among some in the dog training community to what is commonly called obedience training. There's a good reason for the backlash. Obedience training in many minds brings up images of dogs being physically manipulated, verbal corrections & leash pops abound. There is a do it or else mentality to the process. ...

Do You Need To Be A Pack Leader?

February 1st, 2019|Training|

This is a video from 2014. I was testing the waters for producing podcasts. The audio gets cut off a bit in the beginning, but I think you'll get the gist. https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=_ayBeeFjoZw&feature=emb_logo

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